1.- Information for the user

“Katerina KV e.U.”, hereinafter THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY, is Responsible for the processing of the personal data of the User and informs them that these data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April, 2016. (GDPR),whereby you are provided the following processing information:

Purpose of processing: Maintain a commercial relationship with the User. The operations planned to carry out the processing are the following:

Legal Basis: GDPR: 6.1.a) The data subject gives their consent for the processing of their personal data for one or several specific purposes.

Remittance of commercial advertising communications by E-mail, Fax, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enable commercial communications. These communications will be made by THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY and in relation to their products and services, or their partners or suppliers with whom they have reached a promotion agreement. In this case, third-parties will never have access to personal data. Conduct statistical studies. Process orders, budgets, applications or any type of request made by the user via any of the contact forms that are available to them. Forward the website newsletter.

Data conservation criteria: the data will be kept while there is a mutual interest to maintain the purpose of data processing, and when the data is no longer required for this purpose, it will be deleted using adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction thereof.

Communication of data: The data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligations.

User Rights:

  • Right to withdraw consent at any time.
  • Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of their data and the limitation of or opposition to the processing thereof.
  • Right to file a claim with the control authority if they deem that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Contact information to exercise your rights: SEE POINT 3


2.-“Contact” Tab.

Purpose of the processing: To answer any query, request information, questions, suggestions or the like from data subjects regarding our products or services.

Legal Basis: GDPR: 6.1.a) The data subject gives their consent for the processing of their personal data for one or several specific purposes.

Data conservation criterion: the data will be kept for no longer than is required to maintain the purpose of data processing, and when the data is no longer required for this purpose, it will be deleted using adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction thereof.

Communication of data: The data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligations.

User Rights:

  • Right to withdraw consent at any time.
  • Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of their data and the limitation of or opposition to the processing thereof.


Contact information to exercise your rights: See point 3

3.- Contact information to exercise your rights:

“Katerina KV e.U.”, with address at Rossauer Lände 19/12, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Or at the email address:

4.- Links “Social Networks”.

The links which redirect the website to the different social network accounts like Instagram, etc. and which belong to “Katerina KV e.U.” are designed so that users can directly access them and thus interact, express opinions, ideas and other comments relating to the company, its services or products. The company “Katerina KV e.U.”, is not responsible for the comments expressed, or photos or videos published by the community of users, although it may veto, delete or remove comments, photos or videos that are improper or inappropriate.  Regarding the responsibility of the different social network platforms, please refer to their own Privacy Policy.

5.- Mandatory or optional nature of the information provided by the user

The Users, by checking the corresponding boxes and entering data in the fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the contact form or presented in download forms, expressly and freely and unequivocally accept that their data is necessary for the provider in order to process their request, and that inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary. The User guarantees that the personal data provided to THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY is accurate and is responsible for communicating any modification thereof. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY expressly informs and guarantees its users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third parties, and that whenever any kind of transfer of personal data is to take place, the express consent, informed and unequivocal consent of the Users will be requested beforehand. All data requested through the website is mandatory, since it is necessary for the provision of an optimal service to the User. In the event that all the data is not provided, it is not guaranteed that the information and services provided will be completely adjusted to their needs.

6.- Safety measures

That in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY is in compliance with all the provisions of the GDPR and DSG (Datenschutzgesetz 2000) regulations on the handling of personal data under their responsibility, and manifestly, with the principles described in article 5 of the GDPR, by which said data is handled in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party and in an adequate, relevant and limited manner in relation to the requirements for the purposes for which the data is handled. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY ensures that it has implemented appropriate technical and organisational policies to apply the security measures established by the GDPR and the DSG in order to protect the rights and freedoms of Users and has provided them with the appropriate information so they can exercise same.


This privacy policy only applies to the website of and is not guaranteed in the accesses through links to this site, or links from this site with other websites.

8.-WEB Content.

The total or partial reproduction of the web content, including the copying of content to any platform, without the express authorisation of “Katerina KV e.U.”, is prohibited.

9.-Additional Information on Data Protection: Contacts


Data Controller

Katerina KV e.U., FN 568264 h, with address Rossauer Lände 19/12, 1090 Vienna, Austria and email address:


We process the information you provide in order to be able to carry out the comprehensive administrative management of the contacts.


GDPR: 6.1.a) The data subject gave their consent for the processing of their personal data for one or several specific purposes.

Duration of data conservation

The data will be kept for no longer than is required to maintain the purpose of data processing, and when the data is no longer required for this purpose, it will be deleted using adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction thereof.


The data will not be communicated to third parties, except for legal obligations.

Data subject rights:

You are entitled to be informed of whether “Katerina KV e.U.”, is processing your personal data, and, to this end, you may access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request that any data which is no longer necessary be erased, request its portability, opposition and restriction of processing. You have the right to withdraw your previously given consent to processing of data at any time with effect for the future. In the case of withdrawal we will erase the data concerned immediately, unless further processing may be based on a legal basis for processing for which no consent is required.




Drop-down list:


You are informed that this Website uses its own and third party cookies, which allow us to offer our services and improve your browsing experience. If you continue browsing, we understand that you give your consent and accept our use of cookies. For more information, or knowledge on how to change the settings, view our Cookie Policy.



Following the entry into force of the modification relating to the Cookie Directive (Directive 2009/123/EC) in § 96 (3) TKG. it is mandatory to obtain the express consent of users of all web pages that use dispensable cookies, before they start browsing the pages.

1.- Definition and purpose of cookies

A cookie is a file that is downloaded onto the user’s computer/Smartphone/Tablet (computer) when accessing certain web pages in order to store and retrieve information about browsing or browsing habits that is carried out from said computer. Depending on the information it contains and the way the equipment is used, the user may be recognised. For more information about cookies, “Katerina KV e.U.”, invites you to access the following link:

2.- Types of cookies used


  • Proprietary cookies: Cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the actual editor who provides the service requested by the user.
  • Third-party cookies: Cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the actual editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.
  • Session cookies: These are a type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user is accessing a web page.
  • Persistent cookies: In these cookies, the data is stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.
  • Analytical cookies: These cookies, either processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus statistically measure and analyse the use made by users of the service offered. For this purpose, we analyse their browsing on our website in order to improve the products or services we offer them.

2.1 Regarding the type of cookies, there are five broad groups:

  • Analytical cookies: collect information on the use made of the website.
  • Social cookies: required for external social networks.
  • Affiliate cookies: allow the tracking of visits from other websites, with which the website has established an affiliation contract (affiliate companies).
  • Advertising and behavioral cookies: these collect information about the preferences and personal choices of the user (re-targeting).
  • Technical and functional cookies: these are the cookies strictly necessary for the use of the website and for the provision of the contracted service.

3.- Disabling, canceling or deleting cookies.

Users may at any time enable, block or delete the cookies installed on their computer through the browser settings; in the event that they do not allow the installation of cookies in their browser, they may not be able to access certain sections of our website.

  • The browser settings; for example:
  • The specific opt-out systems, with respect to the relevant cookie (these systems may involve installing an “opt-out” cookie on your computer so that your disabling option works);
  • Other third-party tools, available online, that allow users to detect cookies on each website they visit and manage their disabling (for example, Ghostery:

4.- Cookies used.

Katerina KV e.U.”, uses the following cookies on this website, which are detailed below:


Analytical Cookies

  • utma: Used to calculate how many times a user visits the site. Expires after 2 years.
  • utmz: Used to find out how a user has reached the website. Expires after 6 months
  • utmb: Used to calculate the time a user spends on the website for statistical purposes. Expires 30 minutes after the last page view.
  • utmc: Used to calculate the time a user spends on the website for statistical purposes. Expires at the end of the session.
  • infCookie: Reports if the information message about the use of cookies on the web has been viewed. Expires after 5 years.
  • has_js: Reports if Javascript has been enabled in the browser settings. Expires when the browser is closed.
  • SESS*: Used to store the ID of the PHP session, being * a long alphanumeric value. Expires when the browser is closed.
  • The session identification cookie when using the mail form, in order to be able to use the anti-spam verification code on the form, with PHPSESSID name and variable content depending on the browser’s session identifier.
  • The domain Cookie, through which the website will be redirected to its final hosting, which does not load any other cookie
  • And the cookies that Google, Facebook and other networks load when using their plug-ins


The Page is provided for you by:

Katerina Velika e.U.

Address: Rossauer Lände 19/12, 1090 Vienna, Austria

All commercial transactions on this page are carried out by:

Katerina KV e.U. , Rossauer Lände 19/12, 1090 Vienna, Austria



General Conditions

º 1. Purpose and Overview

These General Conditions of Contract (hereinafter “the General Conditions “) together with the particular conditions that could apply, regulate the conditions of purchase of products through the website  (hereinafter the ” Site web “or” Portal “), Katerina KV e.U.,  with address Rossauer Lände 19/12, 1090 Vienna, Austria. The company is registered in the Commercial Register of Vienna, with number FN 568264 h.


The use of the services of the Website as well as the acquisition of any of the products offered, constitutes acceptance of the User, without reservations of any kind, each and every one of these General Conditions. Registration on the Portal and the use of associated services data as a user will become part of the files of Katerina KV e.U., and treatment will be in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy , the User declares expressly to know and accept.

Katerina KV e.U. provides information about products, and offers the possibility of purchase through the Website. Persons intending to purchase products must have the status of “Registered User” or “Guest User”, which are acquired by completing the form respective pre-registration to the purchasing process and following the steps Katerina KV e.U. then communicates via the Web Site .

These General, along Conditions with the Legal Notice  and Privacy Policy  of the Website, are the only conditions applicable to the use of the Portal and the purchase of products through the same and supersede any other conditions unless prior agreement written between Katerina KV e.U. and the user. Consequently, the user who accesses the Web Site, you sign up and purchase products through the Portal agrees to be bound and is bound by the General Conditions, the Legal Notice  and Privacy Policy  as Hallen written at the time when you log into the web site.

Any user who is registered to the Web site should have at the least eighteen (18) years.


  1. Product Information

Photographs, graphics or iconographic representations and videos relating to products Katerina KV e.U., as well as trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the website, are designed to provide much information, however, the user must have consider having a policy purpose and therefore lack exhaustive.

Katerina KV e.U. reserves the right to decide, at any time, products offered to Users through the Portal. Thus, Katerina KV e.U. may at any new add time products included in the Portal, understood, unless otherwise provided, such new products shall be governed by the provisions of the General Conditions that are in effect at that time.

Also, Katerina KV e.U. reserves the right to cease providing access at any time and without notice, any of the products offered on the Portal.

In the case where, for reasons of force majeure, a product is unavailable after purchase has been made, Katerina KV e.U. will inform the user by email of the total cancellation or, where appropriate, part of the order. Partial annulment of the order does not entitle cancellation of the entire order, without prejudice to the exercise of the right of withdrawal corresponding to the user in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.


  1. Purchase system products

To proceed with the purchase of the product, the registered user or guest, you must be eighteen (18) years, you must select the product you want to buy and add to the Shopping Cart. Once the selection of products purchased item is completed, the user must click on the icon “Finish”. Then selected for purchase and the user must choose between sending the products to the address entered in your registration data ( you can choose from any of the addresses contained in your registration) collect order products indicate the Store  . Finally, the user must press the icon “Pay”

User name, email address and password provided to Katerina KV e.U. are identifiers and keys to access and make purchases and they are personal and not transferable. User name, password and email address may be changed, in which case the password, user name and / or email address modified lose their validity.

Once completed the purchase process , Katerina KV e.U. sends to the email provided by the user, an email confirmation of receipt of the request within twenty-four (24) hours performing the same. The confirmation of the order sent by Katerina KV e.U. is not valid as an invoice, just as proof of purchase. Department Customer Care Katerina KV e.U. sends to the user the invoice in less than thirty (30) days from the execution of the purchase.


  1. Product prices

Prices of products offered through the Website include all applicable taxes. Shipping costs of products on behalf of the buyer, be detailed and broken down into the “Your Cart” section of the Website.

Katerina KV e.U. reserves the right to change the prices reflected on the Website, at any time. The products will be billed at the price in effect reflected on the Website, at the time of registration of the order.

Prices may vary from one channel to another of Katerina KV e.U.There can be,for example, differences between web price and physical stores. There may be developments that affect only one channel. Each channel (store) reserves the right to make their own promotions. 


  1. Payment of products

Paying the price of goods purchased and the shipping costs, which will appear on the screen, can be made by credit card or debit card and through other payment systems at all times indicated on the website.

To proceed to the payment, the user must follow the instructions on the screen depending on the chosen payment system.

As electronic payment system, Katerina KV e.U is attached to the payment gateway ecommerce. All data provided for this purpose is encrypted under the SSL (Secure Socket Layers) to ensure maximum security for them.

The User shall notify Katerina KV e. U.  through any improper or fraudulent charge on the account provided for purchases on the Website, in the shortest time possible, in order that Katerina KV e.U can arrange that deems appropriate.


  1. Delivery of products

Katerina KV e.U. undertakes to deliver the products purchased by the user in the purchase process in the shortest possible time, and in any event within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of preparation of the order. Delivery will be made at the address specified for this purpose in the registration process on or on the web, no products will be delivered to PO boxes or booths. 

Katerina KV e.U. will not be liable for errors or damages caused in the delivery when the delivery address provided by the user does not conform to the delivery site desired by it.


  1. Product Returns

(I) Right of withdrawal

The User will have a maximum of seven (7) calendar days from delivery of the product to withdraw all or part of the purchase of the product in accordance with applicable law.

Once within seven (7) calendar days ended, Katerina KV e.U. will not accept returns for withdrawal of product purchases.

In the event desist from buying a product, the user should contact Katerina KV e.U. by sending an email to In any case, assuming cancel the purchase, the following requirements must be met:

1) The product must be in the same state it was delivered and must retain their original packaging and labeling.

2) The return to Katerina KV e.U must be made using the same box or envelope used in delivery or, failing that, in a similar format to ensure repayment of the products in perfect condition.

3) You need a copy of proof of purchase and the delivery of products within the package, which also returned products and the reason for the return is indicated included.

Returns of orders should be sent to the address on Katerina KV e.U. The user will assume the return shipping costs if exercise of the right of withdrawal.

(Ii) Return of defective products

Without prejudice to any other rights you may have, the User shall be entitled to reimbursement of the price of defective products or products delivered otherwise correspond to the request made by the user. Alternatively to the above, the user is entitled to claim and have it delivered, a product equal in perfect condition.

In the case of sending defective products or that do not correspond to your order, it must be performed by the user through the procedure set out in paragraph (i) above, although the user, in this case, should not do against the costs of returning the products.

Whenever the user has followed the procedure set out in paragraph (i) above and have met the requirements of this section, Katerina KV e.U. will refund the price paid corresponding to the returned products that are defective or do not correspond to the product order performed by the user, as provided in the subsequent section (iii).

(Iii) Reimbursement of the price of the products to the User

Whenever the user has followed the procedure set out in this section and the requirements of the same, Katerina KV e.U. will refund the price paid for the corresponding user to the returned products have been met. In the event that the return is made in exercise of the right of withdrawal of the user described in paragraph (i) Katerina KV e.U. will not pay or will face expenses and / or return costs.

The User shall not be entitled to reimbursement of the price of returned products that are not in the same condition they were delivered, or are not complied with the requirements of these Terms and Conditions.

Partial returns an order will result in reimbursement of the corresponding price for the product or products actually returned.

Katerina KV e.U. will manage the order of repayment of the price by the same payment system used by the user to purchase products, within thirty (30) days from the collection of the returned order and once Katerina KV e.U. has checked that the products return meet the requirements set out in paragraphs (i) and (ii) above. Applying the return of the price to the account of the user depends on the bank.


  1. Modification of the General Conditions

Katerina KV e.U reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice, the presentation and configuration of the Web site and the General Conditions. Users will always have these General Conditions in freely accessible visible place to make inquiries as you like. Users agree to read these Terms each time you access the Web Site store. In any case, acceptance of the General Conditions will be an indispensable step prior to hiring any product available through the Website.


  1. Communications between KATERINA KV E.U and User

All communications between Katerina KV e.U. and the User relating to these Terms or the purchase of products through the Website, shall be made in writing and in accordance with the communication procedures set forth in these Terms and Conditions for each case.

For all other cases not expressly governed by these Terms and Conditions, communications with regards to  Katerina KV e.U. shall be sent to the address of Katerina KV e.U.  indicated in the first condition and shall be in writing and through a system that can demonstrate the content and receipt by the relevant communication of Katerina KV e.U.


  1. Integrity of the General Conditions

These Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy  and Legal Notice  constitute the express and sole will of Katerina KV e.U. and the User relating to its subject and supersedes and replaces any other agreements or contracts, verbal or written, made by the parties prior .


  1. Severability

If any Clause of these General Conditions is declared invalid, it will proceed to the removal or replacement of the same. In any case, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions in these Terms and Conditions.


12.- Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with Austrian law.

In the event of any discrepancy or claim occurs between the parties regarding compliance or content of these Terms and Conditions, the parties agree to submit the decision to the issue raised to the Courts and Tribunals in accordance with the law applicable.



Under EU European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. (GDPR), you are hereby informed of the following: is an Internet domain owned by “Katerina KV e.U.” with address at Rossauer Lände 19/12, 1090 Vienna, Austria.. The company is registered in the Commercial Register of Vienna , with number FN 568264 H.

“Katerina KV e.U”, which is responsible for the website, hereinafter THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY, makes this document available to its users, with the object of complying with the obligations set forth in the European law on Information Society Services, Data Protection As well as informing all website users of its conditions of use. Any person accessing this website is assumed to be a user of the website and as such commits to the observance of, and strict compliance with, the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable. “Katerina KV e.U.”, reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without having any obligation to warn or inform the users of said obligations, publication on the Website of “Katerina KV e.U.” being understood to constitute sufficient notice.

  1. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. This website, including but not limited to the programming, editing, compilation and other elements thereof required for its operation, designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY or, if applicable, are covered by a licence or express authorisation from the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property, and are registered in the corresponding public registers. Regardless of their intended use, the total or partial reproduction of the contents, or the use, exploitation, distribution and marketing thereof, will require prior written authorisation from THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY in all cases. Any use not previously authorised will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author. The designs, logos, text and/or graphics not belonging to THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, who will themselves be responsible for any possible conflict that may arise with respect thereto. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY expressly authorises third parties to redirect directly to the specific contents of the website, and in any case, to redirect to the main website


THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY acknowledges the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights of the respective owners, and the mere mention or appearance thereof on the website will not imply the existence of rights or any responsibility in respect thereof, nor support, sponsorship or recommendation by same.

Any observation regarding possible breach of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the website content, may be made via the email address


THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website, provided that said information has been handled or inserted by a third party.


Use of Cookies

This website may use technical cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for proper operation and display of the site. The cookies used are in all cases temporary and have the sole purpose of making browsing more efficient, and are deleted when the user session ends.


For more information, view our Cookie Policy:


Links Policy

This website may redirect you to content from third-party websites. Given that THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY cannot always control the content placed by third parties on their respective websites, it does not accept any type of responsibility with respect thereto. In any case, it will proceed with the immediate withdrawal of any content that may infringe national or international legislation, morality or public order, and proceed with the immediate removal of any redirection to said website, bringing the relevant content to the attention of the competent authorities. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY is not liable for the information and content stored, by way of non-limiting examples: forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allow third parties to independently publish content on the website of THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY. However, it remains at the disposal of all users, authorities and security forces, in order to collaborate actively in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking of all the content that may affect or infringe national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morality and public order. In the event that the user deems that any website content is susceptible to the aforementioned classification, they are requested to notify the website manager at once. This website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. In principle, correct operation thereof can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY does not rule out the existence of certain programming errors, or the occurrence of unforeseeable events, natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances that may make it impossible to access the website.


IP Addresses.

The website’s servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number assigned automatically to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a duly registered server activity file that enables subsequent data processing in order solely to obtain statistical metrics that provide knowledge about the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to web servers, the order of the visits, the point of access, etc.


For the resolution of all conflicts or issues relating to this website or the activities developed therein, Austrian legislation will be applicable, to which the parties expressly submit, the Courts and Tribunals closest to Vienna being competent to solve all conflicts arising or related to its use.


The content, organisation and choice of relevant links have been selected and coordinated by “Katerina KV e.U.”,


The total or partial reproduction of the content of this WEBSITE without citing the source or requesting authorisation is prohibited


Katerina Velika Rakija